TOP 10 restaurants serving traditional Estonian food | 2018.04.18

There are plenty of restaurants that offer modern, gourmet interpretations of Estonian cuisine, but for the genuine recipes as they are meant to be enjoyed, check out the following restaurants. They serve traditional dishes like sauerkraut and kama, prepared with time-tested cooking methods, in nostalgic settings year-round.

Talumehe Pub

Talumehe Pub is a catering establishment located in the beautiful old town of Haapsalu. We open early in the morning to welcome you with a friendly smile, a cup of coffee, and our breakfast menu. The main menu includes delicious dishes made from fresh local produce. We are open until the wee hours of the morning; you can also order catering for parties and groups. During the weekends, you can dance to live music. We also welcome families with children and we have a separate children's playroom. Talumehe Pub is a genuine Estonian pub in the best sense of the phrase and you will always find pleasant company and cheerful laughter here.

Altja Tavern

Altja Tavern is in Lahemaa National Park in northern Estonia. It retains its thatched roof and interior design of old and is a great place to refresh yourself while you're in the area. The tavern offers simple, tasty Estonian food. If the weather allows, you can sit on the terrace, have a picnic in the grounds or host an outdoor event here. In summer we recommend that larger groups book ahead (both tables and meals). We can arrange for folk musicians to play while you're here. Everyone is welcome! In the vicinity you will find a number of restored manors and marked hiking trails.

Restaurant Kuldse Notsu Kõrts

Tallinn has many restaurants, but only very few of them serve traditional Estonian food. Kuldse Notsu Tavern offers a wide variety of real honest Estonian food right at the heart of Tallinn's Old Town. The restaurant uses recipes that have been handed down for generations and are therefore popular with locals as well as tourists. The best-loved dishes on the restaurant menu are definitely farm cheeses and the Sausage Feast – a selection of the best Estonian sausages that also includes the famous Estonian black pudding! You can listen to local music in the restaurant, and many come here to enjoy its comfy atmosphere and meet friends.

Restaurant Saaremaa Veski

Saaremaa Veski, the restaurant of local tastes, is the oldest restaurant in Kuressaare and located in a unique windmill (from 1899). * We offer local food and drinks * In the summer, we open a terrace and the Veski balconies, where we prepare smoked fish, which is perfect with the local beer, wine, or other drinks * Fun events for the entire family throughout the year * Known musicians from Saaremaa and the rest of Estonia * Interesting culinary schools and birthday parties for children with a tour of the building * We uphold the local cultural heritage with our Folk Music Evenings * Perfect location for different events. We have five floors with rooms of different sizes.

Restaurant Vidrik

Restaurant Vidrik is waiting to offer you new culinary experiences! Restaurant Vidrik was established by two chefs, who focus on local vegetables and game. We respect traditional seasoning and cooking techniques – for example, we prepare our dishes on an actual fire and in natural smoke. We offer genuine and authentic Estonian food. Our meals are simple, tasty, and served in a modern manner. But most importantly – the food comes from around here, from our own country. You can always book our restaurant for parties, birthdays, and weddings!

Hansa Tall tavern

Hansa Tall tavern has three halls that seat up to 106 people. The tavern that was built in true Hanseatic style offers Estonian cuisine and medieval atmosphere. Here, you can host receptions, lunches and dinners for groups. The tavern also has an Estonian sauna built using smoked timber logs. The sauna has a fireplace room – it is called Sakstekamber (Gentry Chamber) and has enough room for 15 people. The Gentry Chamber is suitable for smaller meetings and private dinners. During summers, you can have a good time and enjoy delicious meals in the Hansa Hoov courtyard with a fountain; various concerts and theatre productions are staged here.


Rondeel, or "roundel" in English, is a large artillery tower with a rounded or semi-circular plan. Rondeel serves fish and meat dishes prepared with fresh local ingredients, as well as local drinks and sweets while observing the traditions of Narva castle and the surrounding area. In medieval setting, you are served a filling meal prepared with simple methods but still strictly adhering to the highest quality requirements. Josper charcoal and smoking oven are staples in the top kitchens of the world at the moment. We will guide you to the realm of old simple flavours, some of which are perhaps long forgotten. Rondeel – a restaurant as they used to be!

Restaurant at Maria Farm

Maria Farm is a great place for both resting and organising seminars, combining these with activities in nature and different fields. A new party and seminar hall for 80 was built in December 2010. The threshing room of the tourist farm with the original stove is suitable for smaller groups. There is a huge 200 m² shelter for organising outdoor events. The restaurant at the Maria Farm offers traditional Estonian farm food and delicacies from game.

Café Tsäimaja in the Seto Farm Museum

The Café Tsäimaja (Tea House) offers a selection of traditional food served in the handicraft ceramic dishes; the visitors can listen to Seto songs and music. There are 64 seats in the Tsäimaja; the terrace with 24 seats is open in summer. Dining for groups, organisation of events, using the meeting hall, etc., available by prior arrangement.

Restaurant Kubija

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach! Our 90-seat restaurant is in national style. In addition to traditional à la carte dishes, you can also enjoy dishes prepared from local produce according to the South-Estonian cooking traditions. On tender summer evenings, you can enjoy your meal on the restaurant's outdoor terrace!   Lunch buffet is open every day from 12 PM to 2:30 PM (8€ / person) Soup Main course Dessert Water Black bread, white bread, buns and flavoured butter A cup of tea or coffee is fee for those that order the daily offer! 


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